Growth: Maturity level 1

Growth: Maturity level 1

Growth is a necessary but not sufficient condition for maturity. Growth is the process of increase in size. This definition is archaic. Why? It fails to analyse the magnitude and dimension of the increment. Growth is not a scalar quantity. It is an increase in size with respect to a given time. Meanwhile, growth is only complete when it is sustainable.

Maturity= a + bG +……+et where a=natural condition for maturity, b=growth coefficient and G=Growth

G== + ∆Y/t  where Y=growth parameter, t=time

Growth rate, g = (Y1-Y0/Y0) X 100 where Y1=Present growth. Y0=Past growth

Growth is categorized into positive and negative magnitude, positive and negative dimension. A good example of a negative magnitude is STUNTED GROWTH.

For the sake of MATURITY, I will like to speak about positive growth

Why is growth a condition for maturity?

A sign of growth is doing things in a more advanced way. You are in the next class, your age has increased and you mingle with peers of a high class as you. You are supposed to do something different. Your different approaches lead you to a better and higher pace such that your entire life is given a step further. You can now solve some difficulties with ease and things bother you less. This is a growth condition for maturity.

How does growth lead to maturity?

You are a student who has just completed a session in school. How you apply what you’ve learnt at that previous session into your day to day life is a sign of growth.

When you get to the next class (level), ability to do things differently that adds value to your economy and to your society makes you to have grown into a more matured individual.

Succinctly, growth leads to maturity in the following ways:

  • Learning
  • Unlearning
  • Relearning
  • Lessons
  • Mistakes
  • Correction


Growth theories

Endogenous growth theory holds that economic growth is primarily the result of endogenous and not external forces. This can be inferred that maturity depends more on individual and not society.

The new growth theory is an economic theory that posits humans’ desires and unlimited wants foster ever-increasing productivity and economic growth. This can be inferred that full maturity is never reached.

GROWTH, LEARNING AND MATURATION are the three key words.

Note: Be careful of what you learn so you don’t get trapped in negative growth.

Question for the day: Ask yourself

  • What kind of growth am I exerting?
  • Why do I fret more as I grow older?
  • How is my growth affecting what I do, how I think and what I say?



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