UNILAG Postgraduate-before you choose what…have a rethink

Hello good evening everyone, hope u all had a wonderful day????

Today I want to let you all know the difference between running a full-time and part-time, so that you will know what you are diving into. If at all there is any change of the heart you can still opt for the most favourable to you after reading this post,because the form is still edit able. full-time have its own Advantage and Disadvantage like wise Part-time.

Please take your time to go through this post, it might be useful to you in one way or the other.

If you have not started reading your past questions, am afraid, the train is leaving the station
your competition has started since 1 months ago
Read what your love doing, not what you were forced to read in Bsc level.
Someone asked me this question in April
” Mr k, which is better between Full time and Part time?”

I promise the person to make a full post on the question asked. 

That is why I want you to know the difference between par time and full-time,so you can know which to opt to that favours you more.

1. Fees is smaller
2. Time is shorter, you finished on time
3. More attention/dedication from lecturers
4. Accommodation possibilities
5. Will Finish syllabus before exams
6. More organised and committed
7. Usually gets closer to lecturers who will help them for other business
8. Do part time business along side
9. Usually do better academically
10. finished project faster and so graduate faster
11. low rate of abandonment of program unlike part time
12. Very discipline
13. Most full time don’t require experience except some very few courses
14.Has opportunity to be recommended for awards and best student awards at end of each session
15. has wider choice of courses
17. Still enjoy school like undergraduates
18. Has time for personal and social life
19. Can be nominated for scholarships, nominations for jobs from companies requesting for department to send their top students for employment
20. Enjoys campus life and entertainment
21. No issue of late night traffic and stress
22. Can be recommended easily for openings for assistance lecturers positions by a Prof
21. Less competitive compared to PT
1. Better usage of time, since no time
2. Can pay instalmental fees
3. Has more respect from lecturers as they are believed to be responsible
4. Has more money to play around with
5. Admission cut off marks is very low compared to Full time, so easy to get admission
6. Have time to work and make money without losing their jobs
7. Can enjoy both worlds of comfort and training
8. Lectures can be weekends or evenings
9. Course work per semesters is lower compare to full time
10. Has flexibility to repeat a carry over course with year one students of that course
11. There is flexibility of lecture time
12. Lecturers are more friendly with Part time students
13. Behaves more mature
14. The courses are more tailor to workplace situations, very practical
15. Lectures are engaging as 80% of students are working class, so involves practical and engaging sessions
16. sometimes consultants are engaged to teach these set of students
17. Have enough time for project
18. Really like Adult education
19. Education is done with comfort and ease
20. Admits lots of students during admission
21. working experience tend to attract marks during admission
22. Relax project defence
1. very expensive compared to FT (doubled)
2. stressful combining both work and study
3. You write same exams with FT
4. You are expected to finish lectures same time
5. NO access to accommodation legally
6. Usually exploited by lecturers assumed you are working
7. Do very poorly in test, exams compared to their FT colleagues
8. Are viewed by lecturers as not serious
9. Easy to exploit
10. Outsource almost every thing to others – Assignments, tests, copying notes, attendance etc
11. Spend more money to cover for Absenteeism
12. Always looking confuse in class and majority misses lectures
13. Possibilities of missing Test & Assignments
14. Possibilities of dropping out very high
15. High rate of carry overs or failures in Exams
16. Choice of courses is very narrow
17. Takes too long to complete the program
18. No time for personal and social life

19. Miss out from awards, scholarships, nominations for jobs from companies
20. Miss all campus fun
21. Has a lot of applicants, so highly competitive
1. Student argues a lots and waste time
2. Childish behaviour is rampant
3. More is expected from these students as they are being trained as Research personnel, analyst and academics
4. There is a lot of presentation and research work
5. Project starts as early as first semesters
6. Mostly broke
7. No instalmental payment allowed
8. Carry over courses may not be easy to repeat without paying for full tuition the following year
9.Treated like undergraduates and no respect at all from lecturers
10. Admission cut off marks is usually very high compared to PT, so admission is very difficult
11. May have to stop working to come to class, as lectures is usually daily and in the mornings
12. Very very very stressful for working students
13. Admit fewer students during admission and cut off is high and admission is highly competitive
14. Topics and lectures very boring and non industry related
15. Project defence is very strenuous.
1. Semester exams are same
2. certificate is the same

3. Registration requirement is the same
4. Sales of form is same price
5. Entrance exams is the same
6. Both can be elected in student association body
7. Both stand a chance to do very well academically
8. Both can graduate on time or stay extra year (depends on the student)
9. Both is less stressful for non working students than working class

10. The experience is very exciting and mind changing for graduates from other school
11. The opportunities presented every day is huge, as you get to meet the high and mighty of the society ..lol
Please feel free to review and comment.

Adapted from Kelvins vlog…

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